Active Images, publishers of BRICKMAN BEGINS! also have several other unique titles in print that I was proud to have my book
stand alongside. Publisher Richard Starkings is also head of the famous COMICRAFT company that produces comic book fonts seen
in thousands of comics across the world. Both websites are well worth your time visiting:
Egmont UK's TOXIC magazine has rapidly become one of the most popular titles of its genre. With its contents a mixture of
movie/games/tv/toy news, reviews, and comic strips (including TEAM TOXIC) it's one of the most influential magazines of modern
times. January 2006 saw the launch of the Toxic website, and it can be visited by clicking the link below:
My good pal Mike Collins and I started in the comics biz at the same time, on the same comic (The Daredevils). Over the years
Mike has illustrated many high profile characters including Judge Dredd, Harry Potter, Batman, and is currently The Bloke
Who Draws Doctor Who in the official Doctor Who Magazine. Visit his site at:
If it's professional on-model character artwork you're after, Dave Windett is yer man. Long established in the business, Dave
has worked for Fox and Warner Bros. He also had a stint as the artist of Korky the Cat for The Dandy. A reliable cartoonist
and an excellent colourist.
Leah Moore and John Reppion are two comics writers whose comics are must-buys. Their first collaboration WILD GIRL from Wildstorm
Comics is well worth seeking out, and their current comic ALBION (plotted by Alan Moore, drawn by Shane Oakley) revives numerous
old UK characters in an intruiging six-issue mini series.
My "Team Toxic" strip in TOXIC magazine is coloured by the multi-talented Lorna Miller. As well as being a first-class
colourist who never fails to make my work look good, Lorna is also an excellent cartoonist in her own right. Click on the
link below to visit her website!
Danielle Corsetto is a talented and witty American cartoonist who produces the top rate web strip GIRLS WITH SLINGSHOTS. Click
on the banner below to visit her nicely designed website and read the regularly uploaded comic strips. (Danielle is also selling
her original artwork at reasonable prices so check that out too.)

Dave Gibbons is one of the legends of the comics industry, known for his collaboration with Alan Moore on The Watchmen, and
also for the solid professional art style he brought to numerous comics such as 2000 AD, Green Lantern, Give Me Liberty, Doctor
Who, The Originals (which he also scripted), and many more.
I'm sometimes asked to do realistic portraits of people. That's not my line of work or the style I draw in, but I can recommend
the excellent artist Brian A. Jackson. Samples of his oil on canvas paintings can be viewed at his website here:
Distinctive and genuinely funny, the work of Hunt Emerson has graced comics around the world for many years, from Firkin the
Cat to The Beano's Little Plum, plus the comic adaptations of Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Casanova. A distinguished IPC
editor once refered to him as "King of the Underground Comics", but Hunt is more versatile than that. He's the Emperor
of funnybooks!
One of the best artists of superhero comics, ever, is Alan Davis, whose strong figurework and fluid composition has put him
at the top of his game. Over the past two decades he's drawn practically everyone from X-Men to Batman, Judge Dredd to the
Legion of Super-Heroes. And even Brickman!
Mathew Lock is a very talented artist, film-maker and musician. His new album (from The Matlock Players) is currently being
worked on and should be available in 2008. Check out the website below for more information on the album. The well designed
site also features examples of Mathew's artwork and details of how to buy his paintings.

Paul Gravett's infectious enthusiasm for comics emanates from his well-designed website. For more than twenty years, the projects
that Paul has been involved in, from Fast Fiction and Escape to his recent book on Graphic Novels, have broadened our knowledge
of the gems that lie outside of the comics mainstream. Visit his website to learn more:

A reliable news source for upcoming British comics is a rarity on the net and in print, but long-established professional
comics/magazine editor John Freeman has produced a superb site for this need. Updated regularly, it's an essential place to

There's a myth that British comics are dead. Not so, as the SMALLZONE website shows. There's an ever-growing field of small
press and independent comics forming and Smallzone is your one stop shop for such titles and also a mine of information for
old and new self publishers alike. Try out some of the comics by the up-and-coming creators of tomorrow!
Though you may find this surprising, Norway has a very busy comics industry, and this is reflected in their annual comics
festival RAPTUS which takes place in the beautiful harbour city of Bergen. I've been happy to be a guest at several of these
well-attended festivals and they offer a friendly and informative insight into comics outside of the UK.
It's been a pleasure to have met many creators from the Norwegian comics community during my visits to Bergen. Not least the
writer/artist Lise Myhre, whose Nemi strip has become increasingly popular since it began ten years ago. Not only the star
of her own top selling Norwegian comic, NEMI also appears in newspapers internationally. British readers can see the strip
in the METRO free newspaper each weekday, and this website also features the latest strips:
For several years now the UK city of Bristol has been host to the enjoyable COMIC EXPO. Busy and packed with people from the
world of comics these events are always enjoyable. Visit the official Comic Expo website to see the impressive guest list
for May 2006:
The companion event to the Bristol Comic Expo is the BRIGHTON Comic Expo! The first such event took place in November 2005
(see photos on the News page) and a second is being planned for later in 2006. Check out the link below for updates:
Back in the 1980's/early 1990's I was producing humour strips for Marvel UK's TRANSFORMERS comic (Robo Capers and Combat Colin).
They were good times, and in recent years I've learnt what a massive fanbase The Transformers has. This well-designed website
has a wealth of information for all fans of those Robots in Disguise:
The BBC Cult website was set to close down in 2005 but still seems to be active. If you haven't already read the comics section
of the site, now's your chance! Click on the BBC link below! funny_comics.shtml

Spaceship Away is the title of an independently run comic-magazine that has the license to publish brand new Dan Dare strips,
- and it does it with style! Veteran Dan Dare artist Don Harley provides the artwork and it's presented exactly in the same
page design of the 1950's EAGLE comic. Other features in Spaceship Away include rare studio artwork from the classic Dan Dare
days, other new strips, and classic heroes Jet Morgan and Syd Jordan's Hal Starr. Around 36 pages per issue, presented on
top quality paper to show off the sumptuous artwork. An essential buy for every fan of British comics and well worth supporting.
I can't praise it highly enough.

The COMICS UK website is a great source of information for all fans of British comics. It's gallery section features many
cover scans of old UK comics, showing the wide variety of titles that have been published in Britain over the past 100 plus
years. There are also strips to download, and a lively forum for debate. Visit the site today for a trip down memory lane!
Tim Perkins is a fantasy illustrator who has worked in comics for many years. Now he's set up a new venture selling original
art, limited edition prints, and other exclusive items. Visit his website at:

ESSENTIAL website for all fans of TV 21, Countdown, Thunderbirds etc |
THE GERRY ANDERSON COMPLETE COMICS HISTORY is an ongoing and ever-expanding project revealing tons of background info on those
strips based on the classic Gerry Anderson tv shows. The research involved in this site is exceptional and is a valuable resource
for anyone interested not only in Anderson comics but in comics history itself.