TOM THUG (The Brainless Bully)
Appeared throughout the entire run of OINK! (1986-88) and then transfered to BUSTER (1988-98, with reprints afterwards
until the final issue in 1999). Also in OINK and BUSTER annuals and specials of that period.
Tom was my version of the traditional "naughty kid" character that's popular in UK comics. However, wheras most
characters of that ilk are anti-heroes, Tom was an unsympathetic "baddie" whose scemes always backfired on him.
Unlike the standard "harrassed parents" of such kid strips, Tom's parents were motivational in his personality.
Tom's Dad was forever trying to turn his son into a school bully (as apparently was the family tradition) but Tom's Mum was
an overly-fussy type, forever deflating Tom's macho attempts. Other characters in the strip included Wayne Brayne, school
genius, Doris Boyle (spotty girl with a crush on Tom), Mr.Turnip the teacher, and Satan, Tom's cat.
During the character's run in BUSTER, Tom became one of the most popular strips in that legendary comic and had the rare
privilege of ousting the cover star from his own comic on more than one occasion (see cover image, right).